How We Help

How We Help

The Perth Brain Centre does not provide a traditional diagnostic service for problems based on symptoms, nor offer treatments such as medication or talk-based therapies. Instead, The Perth Brain Centre takes a very different approach and uses special brain scans, known as QEEG, to help understand how the brain is working. This unique information can be used to direct drug-free and truly personalised, evidence-based and effective treatments that help by “re-training” or “re-wiring” the brain, harnessing its natural power to change known as neuroplasticity.

Biofeedback Training

Biofeedback Training helps people to better manage stress.

Neurofeedback Therapy

Neurofeedback Therapy is targeted brain training,


Trans-Cranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is a safe and non-invasive type of brain stimulation.

Optimising Brain Health

Important advice for everyone to help improve brain function.


Neuroplasticity is driving a revolution in brain-based treatments.

QEEG Brain Scans

QEEG Brain Scans directly and safely measure brain activity.


Nutraceuticals are pharmaceutical-grade and standardised nutrients that may assist in treating or preventing disease.

Discover how we can help